Health, good resolutions

Health, good resolutions for 2022


So many people become addicted to sport to slim down, lose weight or gain mass… The notion of pleasure seems, in recent years, to have been totally absent from sporting activities. For many French people, playing sports is thus synonymous with dragging themselves to the gym when we would just prefer to stay under a plaid watching a Netflix series. What if in 2022, you took the good resolution to play sports to have fun  ?

Playing a sport is not only lifting weights and working your abductors. It should above all be a moment of relaxation , where we let off steam with an activity that we love. Yes, yes, that we love… Adopting the right reflexes can involve simple things. For example, if you don’t like the sweaty, community atmosphere of the gym, a little jog outside will probably be much more pleasant and invigorating.

Do you hate running, but are you comfortable like a fish in water? So why bother jogging twice a week? Instead , locate the nearest swimming pool to your home , put on your bathing suit and presto! Most municipal water parks open slots between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., to allow morning swimmers to practice, or simply to splash around in weightlessness.

In addition, practicing a physical activity as a family can also allow you to create bonds with your loved ones. Climbing, tennis, badminton … The town halls and municipal clubs offer many diverse and varied activities, enough to satisfy all the desires of young and old.

Finally schedule the doctor’s appointments you’ve been postponing

general practitioner consultation

Each year, to preserve your health , it is important to consult certain specialists and general practitioners. However, in reality, making these appointments is a resolution as important as it is difficult to keep. Because we are not always aware of the importance of prevention in terms of health, and because daily obligations often take over, we postpone, we postpone… until the day when we find ourselves with a big worry.

So to avoid any risk, let’s look together with which doctors you will have to make an appointment with in 2022!

The general practitioner : health check-up once a year, except for illness or emergency;

The dentist : just because you don’t have a toothache doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make an appointment with the dentist! At least one annual check-up is necessary. And do not forget, if dental pain  sets in, consult without delay;

The ophthalmologist  : every two years if the sight is good, once a year in case of necessary follow-up (myopia, astigmatism, etc.). This appointment will be used, for example, to determine if the correction of your glasses is still appropriate. Also remember that being on the computer all day can tire your eyes, without you even realizing it;

The dermatologist  : make an appointment once a year, except in the event of skin problems (or emergencies of course);

The gynecologist : an annual appointment will be sufficient if you do not suffer from any particular disorder and if you are not pregnant. The goal? Check that everything is fine by doing a pap smear and palpation of the breasts.

From the age of 45, you will take the opportunity to perform a mammogram to verify the absence of a tumour. Note that this follow-up must be done from the age of 30 if there is a history of breast or uterine cancer in your family.

Practice the Dry January

After the excesses of the end-of-year festivities, what could be better than resetting the counters to zero? This is what we offer you with the Dry January .

What is Dry January?

The Dry January (or “  dry January  ” in French) is a challenge that dozens of people take on each January. The goal? Stop drinking alcohol completely for 31 days! The idea behind the challenge is to find pleasure in going out, relaxing, dining at home, seeing loved ones… without associating alcohol with it and thus identifying the glasses that do not correspond to a deliberate choice, but rather to a routine.

There is no good or bad: everyone sets their own goals and achieves their own goals. To join the community and participate in the challenge:

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