
Chiropractic: the advantages of this manual therapy


If you often experience symptoms such as joint pain, back pain or headaches, then this article is for you. Indeed, there is a natural and effective treatment for these kinds of disorders. Millions of people around the world have experienced the incredible benefits of chiropractic care, a holistic, non-invasive healing approach that has been proven to treat dozens of different illnesses.

What is chiropractic?

Of American origin, chiropractic is a so-called soft medicine without resorting to drugs or surgery. It focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (coordinated by the nervous system) and how this linkage affects preservation and health. Furthermore, chiropractors recognize the value and responsibility of collaborating with other health care professionals for the best interests of the patient.

How do the treatments work?

When a chiropractor meets a new patient, he asks him specific questions about his past (accidents, traumas, sports practice, habits, sleeping position, quality of sleep), then examines the body carefully. He identifies the imbalances of the body: shoulder lower than the other, “twisting” of the spine, part of the back more muscular than the other, the pressure of the body on one foot more important than on the other, etc. Examination of the patient is essential.

Finally, he begins to palpate his patient, once he is lying on his stomach. It applies to identify the “subluxations”, that is to say the displacements of vertebrae, even very slight. This is why he attaches great importance to the palpation of the spine and the x-rays that he requires in many cases. He will only truly begin deep processing when he has become aware of it.

The main benefits of this practice

Finding a good chiropractor isn’t just essential for correcting the damage caused by years of poor posture or trauma. It is also crucial for anyone wishing to take a proactive approach to protecting their health.

cure sciatica

Compared to the majority of medical care, few interventions can promote back pain relief and healing like chiropractic adjustments. A newspaper has revealed the results of a clinical trial confirming that this therapy achieved a 72% success rate in treating symptoms related to sciatica.

Another randomized, double-blind trial compared active to sham chiropractic manipulations on patients with sciatic nerve pain and found that active manual therapy had more effect than sham manipulations. Active manual therapy reduced the number of days patients experienced moderate and severe low back pain, with no adverse effects.

Treat lower back and neck pain

A study involving neck pain patients found that 96% of them are satisfied with the chiropractic care they receive and 98% said they “definitely would.”

Another study showed that patients with chronic lower back pain treated by chiropractors experienced greater improvement and satisfaction one month after treatment compared to patients treated by a family doctor.

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