for the Heart

Yoga Health Benefits for the Heart


Physical activity that makes your heart active is not the only thing that can help you avoid or handle heart disease. The calming exercise of yoga may benefit the heart too check out here to learn more.

One study suggested that yoga may be an excellent alternative treatment for spinal disorders. Know more about it in this article.

The study above relates to the topic because sciatica, a lower (lumbar) spine condition, may strongly correlate with cardiovascular diseases. These findings could mean that yoga stretching exercises for sciatica may also help improve heart problems.

Yoga-Heart Connection

Yoga is well-known for its ability to improve flexibility and balance. However, yoga may also boost heart health.

Hugh Calkins, M.D., director of Johns Hopkins’ Cardiac Arrhythmia Service, stated that numerous studies have shown that yoga benefits cardiovascular health.

Alternative medicine is a topic of biomedical research that is quickly expanding.

Yoga has moved to the center of holistic medical care because of its long history of integrating physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

One study indicated that yoga treatment may have enhanced cardiovascular and quality of life outcomes for patients with heart problems.

Yoga is an ancient exercise where you rhythmically hold and move through postures or poses. It emphasizes flexibility and strength development and meditation and breathing exercises to assist the mind in relaxing.

Yoga stances and exercises can also help to relieve chronic pain. Many of the postures are weight-bearing, which strengthens the bones and muscles.

Simple yoga poses to improve flexibility, stress alleviation, and relaxation may also help boost cardiovascular health.

Yoga may also improve circulation and blood flow, which benefits the heart.

Yoga can also reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and heart rate minimizing the risk of hypertension, stroke, and heart problems.

Yoga for Managing Stress

Yoga’s potential to relax the body and mind is one of its most apparent heart benefits.

Emotional stress can trigger a chain reaction of bodily reactions, including the production of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which restrict vessels and raise blood pressure.

Yoga’s deep breathing and mental focus may help to relieve tension.

Anxiety and despair following a cardiac event, such as a heart attack, heart surgery, or a diagnosis of heart disease, are prevalent.

Yoga can help you manage stress through a more comprehensive therapeutic approach.

Yoga for Boosting Metabolism

Yoga can help to reduce your chances of having heart problems by boosting your metabolism and reducing cholesterol and blood sugar.

Yoga can help regulate your blood pressure by relaxing your arteries and reducing tension.

According to one study, participating in slow-paced yoga courses twice a week may reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation (a case of irregular heart rhythm) episodes in patients with the illness.

According to another study, patients with heart failure who participated in an eight-week yoga program improved their exercise ability and quality of life.

They also had reduced inflammatory indicators in their blood related to heart disease.

Yoga for Helping People Quit Smoking

One study indicated that yoga could be an effective strategy for helping individuals stop smoking. One of the most rampant risk factors for heart disease is smoking.

Yoga for Improving Sleep Habits

Your heart’s health heavily depends on how well you sleep. Many studies linked poor sleep patterns to increased blood pressure.

Yoga breathing and meditation practices can decrease blood pressure and slow your heart rate. Breathing and meditation practices can also help your body prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Easy Yoga Poses to Do at Home

Below are a few yoga poses that you can perform at home.

Extended Triangle Pose

Step 1: While standing, step your right foot 3-4 feet away from your left foot.

Step 2: Tilt your body to the right and move your left hip back toward your left heel.

Step 3: Bring your left hand as near your ankle as possible. Bend as much as you can while simultaneously raising your right arm to the ceiling with the tips of your fingers pointing up.

Step 4: Move your torso’s sides parallel to the floor. Your neck and torso should be in alignment.

Step 5: Take 2-3 deep breaths while looking up at your right hand.  Do the same on the opposite side.

Bridge Pose

Step 1: Move your feet about hip-width apart and bring your knees over your ankles while lying flat with your knees arched and feet on the floor.

Step 2: Lift your bottom off the floor while elevating your hips toward the ceiling, pressing your feet into the floor.

Step 3:  Lift your chest by pressing your arms and shoulders into the ground. Lift your hips higher by engaging your legs and buttocks. Return to your normal position after 4-8 breaths in this posture.

Corpse Pose

Step 1: Relax your arms and legs while lying on your back.

Step 2: Extend your arms to the sides with your palms facing up.

Step 3: Close your eyes and concentrate your attention on your body and breathing for a few minutes.

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